Is Your Loyalty Program Designed to Help Achieve Your Business Objectives?
Your loyalty program software ought to be designed to help you achieve your short, mid and long-term business objectives like revenue growth, customer satisfaction, growth of customer base, and improved retention.
The loyalty program should have features that not only help you attract customers and retain them, but to also create a sense of community among your customers or a sense of affiliation for your products or brand among them.
Here are a few features that your loyalty program software must support, so that you can create a strong foundation for your current and future growth:
1. Customer data collection
You should regularly collect all the relevant customer data. How to know which data is relevant? Customer contact information and any purchase or product browsing behaviour data of customers should be recorded systematically with relevant dates and times. This can be used to understand how your customers behave and what their motivations for purchasing your products and services are.
2. A/B testing of customer rewards
You should carry out A/B testing of rewards from time to time, i.e. create two-three different types of rewards for similar customers. This will help you test which program works the best with your customers. This activity should be carried our every now and then, so that you are updated about your customers’ changing preferences.
3. Create a community or brand affiliation
Strive to create a strong community of users, so that your customers feel connected with you. A strong sense of affiliation to the brand will also help you retain customers for a long time. This also helps in gaining quick traction on new product and store launches. Everything you do in the interest of your customers will be supported by them sincerely, if you have a strong community.
4. Account for long-term growth
Plan your rewards and loyalty program incentives to achieve your short, mid and long-term growth objectives. Calibrate the loyalty activities to achieve each target or objective as per the set timeline.
Keep these four points in mind and opt for a Loyalty program software like Loyera that will help you carry out these activities seamlessly.
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