
Showing posts from June, 2018

Here Is How Your Loyalty Management Software Builds Customer Retention

We all know that Loyalty Management Software drive customer loyalty. But how do they manage to do it? What are some of the unique features and functionalities that new-age loyalty solutions offer which facilitate seamless customer retention? Let’s find out: Real-Time Reward Points Management By allowing customers to view their activity in real-time, your Loyalty Management Software makes the process transparent. Furthermore, it shows just how much your customer is saving and has saved since joining the loyalty program, thus fuelling stronger loyalty and retention. By making the rewards process instant, transparent and accessible, a loyalty solution removes ambiguity and enhances trust. Customized and Relevant Promotions A majority of shoppers prefer a personalized shopping experience, wherein they are given offers and discounts on products and services that they actually intend to purchase. A customer loyalty rewards program can help you undertake the same. By ...

3 Extra Benefits of Your Loyalty Rewards Software

Just about any  Loyalty Rewards Software  can help a business merchant retain customers. But did you know that implementing a customer loyalty program using loyalty management software comes with several other benefits as well? Let’s explore a few of these: Attract New Customers You read that right! Not only does a customer loyalty rewards program help in customer retention; it also helps in new customer attraction. There are several tools like multi-outlet point redemption, location-based exclusive offers and social media integration that enhance the visibility of brands and help them gain new customers. Hence, a loyalty management solution helps your business not only by encouraging recurring customers to come back more often, but also attracting new ones. Instant Performance Evaluation With any Loyalty Rewards Software , you do not have to sit at the end of the month to evaluate how your business performed. Sales, loyalty members addition, points earn...

How to Measure the Efficacy of Your Loyalty Software

Getting started with any Loyalty Software is easy - you register, sign-up, input loyalty settings and get your customers on-board. But how do you know that your customer loyalty solution is actually achieving the goals it is supposed to? While determining the efficiency of your customer loyalty program here are three parameters you should be giving due attention to: Sign-up Rate The number of people enrolling for your customer loyalty rewards program should register a healthy, and more importantly, consistent growth. After a few months, you should be a position to predict the average number of people who’d be added to the network, and be able to devise strategies and promotions accordingly. Frequency of Engagement How often do your loyal customers redeem their points? Do they choose to redeem them only when they are reminded to do so? Or do they keep a track themselves? If the frequency with which your customers engage with the loyalty program is low, something is nat...

Loyera: A Loyalty Software for the Business of Today

The number of cloud-based customer loyalty management solutions available in the market today leave businesses spoilt for choice. A simple search for Loyalty Software For Business throws up countless results and bombards your screen with ads with terms like ‘customize your program’, ‘world’s #1’, ‘free demo’ and whatnot. Once you have sifted through the several ‘me-too’ loyalty software, allow us to introduce you to Loyera , a smart, intuitive and easy-to-use loyalty software which has been carefully crafted keeping in mind the business needs of today. Let us explore some of its many impressive features: Intelligent Analytical Reporting We make the best use of the large hordes of customer data it collects and crunches the numbers to give you simple, readable and actionable business insights. By integrating data like customer frequency, average bill size, popular products and heavy sales period, we help your business be future-ready. Cloud-Based Loyera is based entir...

3 Misconceptions About Using a Loyalty Software

If you have been considering to implement a customer loyalty program and have been torn between using loyalty cards and Loyalty Software , you have come to the right place. First thing’s first: the customer loyalty card is as good as dead. No new age loyalty program is entirely card-based. For starters, customers misplace them easily and they do not offer a dynamic user experience. Most loyalty rewards programs are based on loyalty management software and collect customer data intelligently. But there are several myths and misconceptions associated with the use of loyalty management software. Let us take a systematic look at these and find out if they hold any weight: They are Expensive Truth: You’d be surprised to find out the number of FREE loyalty program software available in the market today. Many software developers have also made their loyalty solution open source, which means you can customize the loyalty program software just the way you want. Many developers u...

3 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid When Using Loyalty Software

Small and medium businesses might take some time to land firmly on their feet when they begin using Loyalty Software to retain customers. Any tool that provides instant and direct access to all your customers is extremely powerful, and thus, also, at a risk of being abused. The most common mistake business owners are likely to make is in the domain of marketing. We list three basic, yet crucial, marketing mistakes that you can avoid: Incessant Marketing: Nobody likes spamming; no matter how irresistible is the discount on offer. Sending an email or notification update to all your customers every time you have a lean day might be a tempting way to boost sales, but if overused, the tactic might lose its charm. Restrict marketing and promotional updates to one update in ten days or a fortnight to avoid being unsubscribed. Infrequent Marketing: On the other end of the spectrum, do not use the Loyalty Software as and when you remember. Remember, the loyalty program software...