Collecting Customer Data Using Loyalty Program Software

Customer information and data serves as the foundation of a successful loyalty program today; but not everyone is adept at understanding the best ways to collect customer data. In this post we will discuss some basic ways to collect valuable customer data and also successfully putting it to use:


While it might seem like a no-brainer, but many businesses fail to realise that the registration is the most important data collection step in the process. Since you already have the customer’s attention and they have agreed to come on-board, he/she will be happy to provide the information required for a smooth process. Make sure you collect their age, occupation, address, and social media handle information as well. 

Choices and Preferences

The easiest way to identify customer choices and preferences is to analyse their shopping patterns and habits. Using and intelligent Loyalty Program Software, you can categorise customers according to their taste, product preference, and even frequency of purchase, in order to design relevant and appealing offers.


While giving away a few extra reward points, you can set up a feedback mechanism that requires your customers to earnestly review your products, services, and promotions. Furthermore, you can ask them to integrate their social media handles with their loyalty account to gain further insights on their network and other preferences. 


Cloud-based Loyalty Program Software systems can also help you roll out referral programs to ramp up the sign-up and registration rate. This can be achieved my leveraging the networks of existing customers and reaching out to potential customers through them. In the process, not only will you add new members to your customer loyalty program, but also gain access to several other data collection points. 

Modern loyalty solutions offer a wide range of features and tools to help you effectively and seamlessly collect customer data. Loyalty software solutions, like Loyera, also come with impressive adds-ons like POS and E-Commerce to help you manage your business efficiently. To know more about how your business can benefit from Loyera, get in touch with us today!


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